Source code for inatcog.taxon_query

"""Module to query iNat taxa."""
from redbot.core.commands import BadArgument, Context
from dronefly.core.constants import RANK_EQUIVALENTS, RANK_LEVELS
from dronefly.core.formatters.generic import format_taxon_name
from dronefly.core.query.query import Query, TaxonQuery
from pyinaturalist.models import Taxon

from .converters.base import NaturalQueryConverter
from .taxa import get_taxon, match_taxon

[docs]class INatTaxonQuery: """Query iNat for one or more taxa.""" def __init__(self, cog): self.cog = cog
[docs] async def get_taxon_ancestor(self, ctx: Context, taxon, rank): """Get Taxon ancestor for specified rank from a Taxon object. Parameters ---------- taxon: Taxon The taxon for which the ancestor at the specified rank is requested. rank: str The rank of the ancestor to return. Returns ------- Taxon A Taxon object for the matching ancestor, if any, else None. """ def taxon_ancestor_ranks(taxon: Taxon): return ( ["stateofmatter"] + [ancestor.rank for ancestor in taxon.ancestors] if taxon.ancestors else [] ) rank = RANK_EQUIVALENTS.get(rank) or rank ranks = taxon_ancestor_ranks(taxon) if rank in ranks: rank_index = ranks.index(rank) ancestor = await get_taxon(ctx, taxon.ancestor_ids[rank_index]) return ancestor return None
[docs] async def maybe_match_taxon( self, ctx: Context, taxon_query: TaxonQuery, ancestor_id: int = None, preferred_place_id: int = None, scientific_name: bool = False, locale: str = None, ): """Get taxon and return a match, if any.""" kwargs = {} taxon = None records_read = 0 total_records = 0 if locale: kwargs["locale"] = locale if preferred_place_id: kwargs["preferred_place_id"] = int(preferred_place_id) if taxon_query.taxon_id: taxon = await get_taxon(ctx, taxon_query.taxon_id) else: if taxon_query.terms: kwargs["q"] = " ".join(taxon_query.terms) if taxon_query.ranks: kwargs["rank"] = ",".join(taxon_query.ranks) if ancestor_id: kwargs["taxon_id"] = ancestor_id for page in range(11): if page == 0: per_page = 30 endpoint = ctx.inat_client.taxa.autocomplete else: # restart numbering, as we are using a different endpoint # now with different page size: if page == 1: records_read = 0 kwargs["page"] = page per_page = 200 endpoint = kwargs["per_page"] = per_page paginator = endpoint(limit=per_page, **kwargs) if paginator: records = await paginator.async_all() total_records = paginator.count() if not records: break records_read += len(records) taxon = match_taxon( taxon_query, records, scientific_name=scientific_name, locale=locale, ) if taxon: break if records_read >= total_records: break if not taxon: if records_read >= total_records: raise LookupError("No matching taxon found.") raise LookupError( f"No {'exact ' if taxon_query.phrases else ''}match " f"found in {'scientific name of ' if scientific_name else ''}{records_read}" f" of {total_records} total records containing those terms." ) return taxon
[docs] async def maybe_match_taxon_compound( self, ctx: Context, query: Query, preferred_place_id=None, scientific_name=False, locale=None, ): """Get one or more taxa and return a match, if any. Currently the grammar supports only one ancestor taxon and one child taxon. """ if query.ancestor: ancestor = None try: ancestor = await self.maybe_match_taxon( ctx, query.ancestor, preferred_place_id=preferred_place_id, scientific_name=scientific_name, locale=locale, ) if ancestor: if query.main.ranks: max_query_rank_level = max( [RANK_LEVELS[rank] for rank in query.main.ranks] ) ancestor_rank_level = RANK_LEVELS[ancestor.rank] if max_query_rank_level >= ancestor_rank_level: raise LookupError( "Child rank%s: `%s` must be below ancestor rank: `%s`" % ( "s" if len(query.main.ranks) > 1 else "", ",".join(query.main.ranks), ancestor.rank, ) ) taxon = await self.maybe_match_taxon( ctx, query.main,, preferred_place_id=preferred_place_id, scientific_name=scientific_name, locale=locale, ) except LookupError as err: reason = ( str(err) + "\nPerhaps instead of `in` (ancestor), you meant\n" "`from` (place) or `in prj` (project)?" ) if ancestor: reason = ( f"{reason}\n\n" f"Ancestor taxon: {format_taxon_name(ancestor, with_term=True)}" ) else: reason = f"{reason}\n\nAncestor taxon not found." raise LookupError(reason) from err else: taxon = await self.maybe_match_taxon( ctx, query.main, preferred_place_id=preferred_place_id, scientific_name=scientific_name, locale=locale, ) return taxon
[docs] async def query_taxa(self, ctx, query): """Query for one or more taxa and return list of matching taxa, if any.""" queries = query.split(",") # De-duplicate the query via dict: taxa = {} missing_taxa = [] for query_str in queries: try: query = await NaturalQueryConverter.convert(ctx, query_str) query_response = await self.cog.query.get(ctx, query) if query_response.taxon: taxon = query_response.taxon taxa[str(] = taxon except (BadArgument, LookupError): missing_taxa.append(query_str) pass result = taxa.values() if not result: raise LookupError("No taxon found") return (result, missing_taxa)
[docs] async def query_paginated_taxa(self, ctx, query): """Query for one or more taxa and return paginator for matching taxa, if any. Notes: - In its original conception, this was used only for comma-delimited lists of taxon queries for map & related, or a list of taxon ancestor IDs. These had a small, definite number of elements (whatever the user typed, or all the ancestors of a taxon), were de-duplicated, and didn't need to be paginated. - We want to go one step further here and return multiple taxa, whether or not multiple were given as input: - The return is then a paginator for all matching taxa. - Which may be filtered in some fashion, e.g. - All taxa matching the supplied name(s). - For a given rank keyword. - And if there are no filters, then just all results matching the query. - The "rank" filter is baked into maybe_match_taxon_compound (I think) and needs to be pulled out of that. - In fact, most of that relates to selecting "one best" match, so really isn't needed here. """ queries = query.split(",") async def _get_taxon(query): # TODO: extract from the following whatever logic applies # to our taxon search and redo in a more modular way: # - components: # - matchers (phrases, AOU codes, etc.) # - scorers (point values for exact / inexact, etc.) # - a filter (the `in` clause for parent taxon) # - reassemble those components to implement the logic described # above, and especially the scorer has to be abandoned unless # the whole result set is fully enumerated (can't be done # efficiently with an arbitrary result set! might work for # single "root" taxon for `in` though) return await self.cog.taxon_query.maybe_match_taxon_compound(ctx, query) # De-duplicate the query via dict: taxa = {} for query_str in queries: try: _query = await NaturalQueryConverter.convert(ctx, query_str) taxon = await _get_taxon(_query) if taxon: taxa[str(] = taxon except (BadArgument, LookupError): pass result = taxa.values() if not result: raise LookupError("No taxon found") return result