Source code for inatcog.taxa

"""Module to work with iNat taxa."""
import copy
import re
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional, Union

from dronefly.core.constants import RANK_LEVELS
from dronefly.core.query.query import TaxonQuery
from dronefly.core.utils import obs_url_from_v1
from pyinaturalist.models import Place, Taxon, User
from redbot.core.commands import Context

TAXON_PLACES_HEADER = "__obs# (spp#) from place:__"
TAXON_PLACES_HEADER_PAT = re.compile(re.escape(TAXON_PLACES_HEADER) + "\n")
TAXON_COUNTS_HEADER = "__obs# (spp#) by user:__"
TAXON_COUNTS_HEADER_PAT = re.compile(re.escape(TAXON_COUNTS_HEADER) + "\n")
TAXON_IDBY_HEADER = "__obs# (spp#) identified by user:__"
TAXON_IDBY_HEADER_PAT = re.compile(re.escape(TAXON_IDBY_HEADER) + "\n")
TAXON_NOTBY_HEADER = "__obs# (spp#) unobserved by user:__"
TAXON_NOTBY_HEADER_PAT = re.compile(re.escape(TAXON_NOTBY_HEADER) + "\n")
TAXON_LIST_DELIMITER = [", ", " > "]

[docs]async def get_taxon_preferred_establishment_means(ctx, taxon): """Get the preferred establishment means for the taxon.""" try: establishment_means = taxon.establishment_means place_id = if getattr(taxon, "listed_taxa", None) is None: taxon = await ctx.client.taxa.populate(taxon) except (AttributeError, LookupError): return None find_means = (means for means in taxon.listed_taxa if == place_id) return next(find_means, establishment_means)
[docs]class NameMatch(NamedTuple): """Match for each name field in Taxon matching a pattern.""" term: Optional[re.match] name: Optional[re.match] common: Optional[re.match]
NO_NAME_MATCH = NameMatch(None, None, None)
[docs]def match_pat(record, pat, scientific_name=False, locale=None): """Match specified pattern. Parameters ---------- record: Taxon A candidate taxon to match. pat: re.Pattern or str A pattern to match against each name field in the record. scientific_name: bool Only search scientific name locale: str Only search common names matching locale Returns ------- NameMatch A tuple of search results for the pat for each name in the record. """ if scientific_name: return NameMatch( None,,, None, ) if locale: names = [ name["name"] for name in sorted( [ name for name in record.names if name["is_valid"] and re.match(locale, name["locale"], re.I) ], key=lambda x: x["position"], ) ] for name in names: mat =, name) if mat: return NameMatch( mat, None, mat, ) return NO_NAME_MATCH return NameMatch(, record.matched_term),,,, record.preferred_common_name) if record.preferred_common_name else None, )
[docs]def match_pat_list(record, pat_list, scientific_name=False, locale=None): """Match all of a list of patterns. Parameters ---------- record: Taxon A candidate taxon to match. exact: list A list of patterns to match. Returns ------- NameMatch A tuple of ORed search results for every pat for each name in the record, i.e. each name in the tuple is the match result from the first matching pattern. """ matched = NO_NAME_MATCH try: for pat in pat_list: this_match = match_pat(record, pat, scientific_name, locale) if this_match == NO_NAME_MATCH: matched = this_match raise ValueError("At least one field must match.") matched = NameMatch( matched.term or this_match.term, or, matched.common or this_match.common, ) except ValueError: pass return matched
[docs]def score_match( taxon_query: TaxonQuery, record, all_terms, pat_list=None, scientific_name=False, locale=None, ): """Score a matched record. A higher score is a better match. Parameters ---------- taxon_query: TaxonQuery The query for the matched record being scored. record: Taxon A candidate taxon to match. all_terms: re.Pattern A pattern matching all terms. pat_list: list A list of patterns to match. Returns ------- int score < 0 indicates the match is not a valid candidate. score >= 0 and score < 200 indicates a non-exact match score >= 200 indicates an exact match either on a phrase or the whole query """ score = 0 if taxon_query.taxon_id: return 1000 # An id is always the best match matched = ( match_pat_list(record, pat_list, scientific_name, locale) if pat_list else NO_NAME_MATCH ) all_matched = ( match_pat(record, all_terms, scientific_name, locale) if taxon_query.taxon_id else NO_NAME_MATCH ) if scientific_name: if score = 200 else: score = -1 elif locale: if matched.term: score = 200 else: score = -1 else: if taxon_query.code and (taxon_query.code == record.matched_term): score = 300 elif or matched.common: score = 210 elif matched.term: score = 200 elif or all_matched.common: score = 120 elif all_matched.term: score = 110 else: score = 100 return score
[docs]def match_taxon(taxon_query: TaxonQuery, records, scientific_name=False, locale=None): """Match a single taxon for the given query among records returned by API.""" if taxon_query.ranks and not taxon_query.terms: return records[0] if records else None pat_list = [] all_terms = re.compile(r"^%s$" % re.escape(" ".join(taxon_query.terms)), re.I) if taxon_query.phrases: for phrase in taxon_query.phrases: pat = re.compile(r"\b%s\b" % re.escape(" ".join(phrase)), re.I) pat_list.append(pat) elif scientific_name or locale: for term in taxon_query.terms: pat = re.compile(r"\b%s" % re.escape(term), re.I) pat_list.append(pat) scores = [0] * len(records) for num, record in enumerate(records, start=0): scores[num] = score_match( taxon_query, record, all_terms=all_terms, pat_list=pat_list, scientific_name=scientific_name, locale=locale, ) best_score = max(scores) best_record = records[scores.index(best_score)] min_score_met = (best_score >= 0) and ( (not taxon_query.phrases) or (best_score >= 200) ) return best_record if min_score_met else None
[docs]async def format_place_taxon_counts( cog, place: Union[Place, str], taxon: Taxon = None, **kwargs, ): """Format user observation & species counts for taxon.""" if isinstance(place, str): name = "*total*" else: name = place.display_name obs_opt = copy.copy(kwargs) # TODO: Refactor. See same logic in obs_args in and comment # explaining why we use verifiable=any in these cases. # - we don't have a QueryResponse here, but perhaps should # synthesize one from the embed # - however, updating embeds is due to be rewritten soon, so it # should probably be sorted out in the rewrite count_unverifiable_observations = ( kwargs.get("project_id") or kwargs.get("user_id") or kwargs.get("ident_user_id") ) if count_unverifiable_observations: obs_opt["verifiable"] = "any" observations = await cog.api.get_observations(per_page=0, **obs_opt) if observations: species = await cog.api.get_observations( "species_counts", per_page=0, **obs_opt ) observations_count = observations["total_results"] species_count = species["total_results"] url = obs_url_from_v1(obs_opt) if taxon and RANK_LEVELS[taxon.rank] <= RANK_LEVELS["species"]: link = f"[{observations_count:,}]({url}) {name}" else: link = f"[{observations_count:,} ({species_count:,})]({url}) {name}" return f"{link} " return ""
[docs]async def format_user_taxon_counts( cog, user: Union[User, str], taxon: Taxon = None, **kwargs, ): """Format user observation & species counts for taxon.""" if isinstance(user, str): login = "*total*" else: login = user.login obs_opt = copy.copy(kwargs) # TODO: Refactor. See same logic in obs_args in and comment # explaining why we use verifiable=any in these cases. # - we don't have a QueryResponse here, but perhaps should # synthesize one from the embed # - however, updating embeds is due to be rewritten soon, so it # should probably be sorted out in the rewrite count_unverifiable_observations = ( kwargs.get("project_id") or kwargs.get("user_id") or kwargs.get("ident_user_id") ) if count_unverifiable_observations: obs_opt["verifiable"] = "any" species_opt = copy.copy(obs_opt) if kwargs.get("unobserved_by_user_id"): obs_opt["lrank"] = "species" observations = await cog.api.get_observations(per_page=0, **obs_opt) if observations: species = await cog.api.get_observations( "species_counts", per_page=0, **species_opt ) observations_count = observations["total_results"] species_count = species["total_results"] url = obs_url_from_v1(obs_opt) if taxon and RANK_LEVELS[taxon.rank] <= RANK_LEVELS["species"]: link = f"[{observations_count:,}]({url}) {login}" else: link = f"[{observations_count:,} ({species_count:,})]({url}) {login}" return f"{link} " return ""
[docs]async def get_taxon(ctx: Context, taxon_id, **kwargs): """Get taxon by id.""" paginator = ctx.inat_client.taxa.from_ids(taxon_id, limit=1, **kwargs) taxa = await paginator.async_all() if paginator else None return taxa[0] if taxa else None