Source code for

"""Module to search iNat site."""

from dronefly.core.formatters.constants import WWW_BASE_URL
from dronefly.core.formatters.generic import format_taxon_name, format_user_name
from pyinaturalist.models import Place, Project, Taxon, User

from .utils import get_home

[docs]def get_place(result): """Get place result.""" place = Place.from_json(result.get("record")) return f":round_pushpin: [{place.display_name}]({place.url})"
[docs]def get_project(result): """Get project result.""" project = Project.from_json(result.get("record")) return f":briefcase: [{project.title}]({WWW_BASE_URL}/projects/{})"
[docs]def get_user(result): """Get user result.""" user = User.from_json(result.get("record")) return f":bust_in_silhouette: {format_user_name(user)}"
[docs]def get_taxon(result): """Get taxon result (v1/search).""" taxon = Taxon.from_json(result.get("record")) return ( f":green_circle: [{format_taxon_name(taxon, with_term=True)}]" f"({WWW_BASE_URL}/taxa/{})" )
[docs]def get_taxon2(result): """Get taxon result (/v1/taxa).""" taxon = Taxon.from_json(result) return ( f":green_circle: [{format_taxon_name(taxon, with_term=True)}]" f"({WWW_BASE_URL}/taxa/{})" )
# pylint: disable=invalid-name get_result_type = { "Place": get_place, "Project": get_project, "User": get_user, "Taxon": get_taxon, "Inactive": get_taxon2, }
[docs]def get_result(result, result_type: str = None): """Get fields for any result type.""" res_type = result_type or result.get("type") return get_result_type[res_type](result)
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
[docs]class INatSiteSearch: """Lookup helper for site search.""" def __init__(self, cog): self.cog = cog
[docs] async def search(self, ctx, query, **kwargs): """Search iNat site.""" # Through experimentation on May 25, 2020, I've determined a smaller # number than 500 will usually be returned: # - for /v1/taxa it will be 500 # - for /v1/search?source=x (for any single source) it will be 100 # - for /v1/search without a source it will be 30 # If more than the maximum per_page is specified, however, it defaults # back to 30, so we try to intelligently adjust the per_page in our # request. result_type = "Inactive" if "is_active" in kwargs else None if result_type == "Inactive": per_page = 500 elif "sources" in kwargs: per_page = 100 else: per_page = 30 home = await get_home(ctx) api_kwargs = {"q": query, "per_page": per_page, "preferred_place_id": home} api_kwargs.update(kwargs) search_results = await self.cog.api.get_search_results(**api_kwargs) results = [ get_result(result, result_type) for result in search_results["results"] ] # But we return the actual per_page so the pager can accurately report # how many results were not shown. return (results, search_results["total_results"], search_results["per_page"])