Source code for inatcog.places

"""Module to handle users."""
from typing import Union

from pyinaturalist.models import Place

from .converters.base import QuotedContextMemberConverter
from .utils import get_valid_user_config

RESERVED_PLACES = ["home", "none", "clear", "all", "any"]

[docs]class INatPlaceTable: """Lookup helper for places.""" def __init__(self, cog): self.cog = cog
[docs] async def get_place( self, guild, query: Union[int, str], user: QuotedContextMemberConverter = None ): """Get place by guild abbr or via id#/keyword lookup in API.""" place = None response = None home_id = None if isinstance(query, str): abbrev = query.lower() if abbrev == "home" and user: try: user_config = await get_valid_user_config( self.cog, user, anywhere=True ) home_id = await user_config.home() except LookupError: pass if not home_id and guild: guild_config = self.cog.config.guild(guild) home_id = await guild_config.home() if not home_id: home_id = await self.cog.config.home() if home_id or isinstance(query, int) or query.isnumeric(): place_id = home_id or query response = await self.cog.api.get_places(int(place_id)) elif guild: guild_config = self.cog.config.guild(guild) places = await guild_config.places() if abbrev in places: response = await self.cog.api.get_places(places[abbrev]) if not response: response = await self.cog.api.get_places( "autocomplete", q=query, order_by="area" ) if response: results = response.get("results") if results: place = results[0] if place: return Place.from_json(place) raise LookupError("iNat place not known.")