Source code for inatcog.last

"""Module for handling recent history."""
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import re
from typing import NamedTuple

from discord import User
from pyinaturalist import Observation
import timeago

from dronefly.core.formatters.constants import WWW_BASE_URL
from dronefly.core.parsers.url import PAT_OBS_LINK, PAT_TAXON_LINK
from .taxa import get_taxon
from .utils import get_home

[docs]class ObsLinkMsg(NamedTuple): """Discord & iNat fields from a recent observation link.""" url: str obs: Observation ago: str name: str
[docs]class TaxonLinkMsg(NamedTuple): """Discord & iNat fields from a recent taxon link.""" url: str taxon: dict
[docs]class INatLinkMsg: """Get INat link message from channel history supplemented with info from iNat.""" def __init__(self, cog): self.cog = cog
[docs] async def get_last_obs_msg(self, ctx, msgs): """Find recent observation link.""" def match_obs_link(message): return, message.content) or ( message.embeds and message.embeds[0].url and, message.embeds[0].url) ) try: found = next(m for m in msgs if match_obs_link(m)) except StopIteration: return None mat = match_obs_link(found) obs_id = int(mat["obs_id"]) url = mat["url"] or WWW_BASE_URL + "/observations/" + str(obs_id) ago = timeago.format( found.created_at, datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) ) if name = None else: # Unless autoobs is turned off, it's more likely the # bot message for the shared link will be found first. if isinstance(, User): name = else: name = or home = await get_home(ctx) results = ( await self.cog.api.get_observations( obs_id, include_new_projects=1, preferred_place_id=home ) )["results"] obs = Observation.from_json(results[0]) if results else None return ObsLinkMsg(url, obs, ago, name)
[docs] async def get_last_taxon_msg(self, ctx, msgs): """Find recent taxon link.""" def match_taxon_link(message): return, message.content) or ( message.embeds and message.embeds[0].url and, message.embeds[0].url) ) # - Include bot msgs because that's mostly how users share these links, # and we're not interested in who shared the link in this case. # - If the message is from a bot, it's likely an embed, so search the # url (only 1st embed for the message is checked). try: found = next(m for m in msgs if match_taxon_link(m)) except StopIteration: return None mat = match_taxon_link(found) taxon_id = int(mat["taxon_id"]) url = mat["url"] or WWW_BASE_URL + "/taxa/" + str(taxon_id) taxon = await get_taxon(ctx, taxon_id) return TaxonLinkMsg(url, taxon)